Piloting workshop in Greece

Ene, 2024

The pilot testing of project BLITT in Greece was organised by IDEC S.A. and took place on January 29th, 2024 in the organization’s headquarters. The workshop was attended by 11 participant trainers working in the field of adult education.

The workshop started with a brief outline of the agenda and an introduction about the overall
objectives of project BLITT.

After, an overview of the bridging course and the results from the LTTA activity that took place
in Piraeus was presented, as well as the benefits of blended learning to both teachers and
students, highlighting the importance of different methods and tools used through interactive
learning activities.

After coffee break, the action plans were introduced as well more practical lessons regarding
the tools.

A series of collective challenges were later performed, involving practical sessions with
different kinds of challenges for the trainers to be used with their students during blended
learning activities.


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