Avtor: BLITT

Overall Piloting Workshop report

Between September 2023 and January 2024, all the partners organised a pilot testing phase with adult educators/trainers/professionals/lecturers etc. where they tested all the project results created in the BLITT project.

Overall, the partners completed several workshops blended, online and face-to-face and in total 56 participants attended the BLITT pilot testing in each partner country (Slovenia, Cyprus, Ireland, Spain and Greece).

In all partner countries, an evaluation questionnaire was distributed among the participants to evaluate the whole pilot testing procedure, the trainers, the content etc.

Here you can find our Overall Report for the pilot testing results!

Multiplier event in Greece

On April 25th 2024, the BLITT Project’s Multiplier Event took place at the “Titania” Hotel in Athens, Greece, orchestrated by IDEC SA. The gathering brought together a total of 59 educators, including teachers and other professionals in the educational field, all eager to explore the latest trends in blended learning. 

The event kicked off with a warm welcome and a comprehensive presentation of the BLITT project by Ms. Dimitra Karatasouli, Project Manager at IDEC S.A. Her introductory session laid the groundwork for the day’s discussions, offering a snapshot of the project’s goals and the significance of blended learning in modern education.

Following the opening remarks, the spotlight turned to Ms. Jean Glover, an adult educator with a deep understanding of blended learning methodologies. Jean’s speech was not only informative but also interactive, encouraging audience participation. She transitioned seamlessly from theory to practice, engaging attendees in a lively hands-on group activity designed to showcase the power of blended and station learning. Participants had the opportunity to collaborate, share ideas and apply new concepts in real-time, illustrating the practical impact of blended and station learning.

At last, a dynamic discussion unfolded, providing a platform for attendees to share their own experiences with blended learning. This open forum fostered a sense of community and allowed participants to exchange insights, challenges, and innovative ideas related to the topics discussed throughout the day. To ensure the event’s effectiveness and gather feedback for future improvement, IDEC distributed evaluation questionnaires to all participants. Overall, the Multiplier Event was a successful convergence of knowledge, collaboration, and hands-on learning, leaving attendees inspired and eager to implement new blended learning strategies in their educational practices.

Multiplier event in Ireland

This event was an engaging exploration of the myriad ways in which Blended Learning can transform teaching methods based in the outputs of BLITT.

In total we hosted 9 people:

– 8 local participants (non-TU Dublin)

Through 3 different talks and an interactive activity we could present the following:

• an overview of the project by Mariana Rocha’s presentation.
• the training course designed by Damian Gordon; the online version of the training course designed by Maíra Amaral and Anna Becevel.
• and a gamified activity based in the Blend Master, the board game designed by Mariana Rocha.

In the end of the event, light refreshments were provided, and we could have a networking alongside the participants.

The Multiplier Event was very engaging and valuable for all who were involved. We could realise how useful all the outputs are and how people got excited mainly with the board game and the online platform. In an organiser point of view, it was very inspiring looking at all the participants engaged, talking and interacting with the activities and talks. The feedback was very positive, reflecting the quality of our work.

Multiplier event in Cyprus

Emphasys organised organized two parts face-to-face of the multiplier event in Nicosia and Limassol, Cyprus.

The first part of the Multiplier Event for the BLITT project was organised on the 14th of February in Cyprus at TESEK Limassol. In the national school curricula of Cyprus, the 14th of February 2024 is celebrated as a National Teacher Day in schools, adult centers etc. where teachers and professionals spend the day on different trainings, seminars, workshops etc. This year the Technical and Vocational School of Limassol (TESEK) invited Emphasys for a workshop with the topic of ‘Digitalisation of training materials due to Covid-19’.

During the event, 23 participants in total attended the event from different adult centers, VET institutions, and private organisations. The second part of the Multiplier Event for the BLITT project was organised on the 29th of February in Cyprus at Lythrodontas Community Center. Xylofagou Community Center is in a rural area where several adult educators and trainers had a community center to organise workshops, events, seminars, trainings etc. for adults and more specifically for trainers, professionals etc.

During the event, 33 participants in total – members of the target group such as teachers, adult trainers, professionals, VET teachers and trainers etc. attended, who had shown interest in the results and activities that were conducted throughout the project.

Multiplier event in Spain

The event was held on 04 December 2023 from 16:00 – 19:00 at the Espai Boule premises in Carrer de Boule, 3, 43201 Reus, Tarragona and was attended by 15 participants.

The main objective of the event was to familiarise the participants with the project, its objectives, the results and the partnership it has generated.

In addition, such occasions provide excellent networking opportunities and the potential for future partnerships.

The audience mainly included adult educators and teachers from various local and international VET institutions as well as other stakeholders.

Our first multiplier event can be described as a great success in terms of participation and engagement.

The success of the event was the quality of implication. The participants actively participated in the discussions, asked questions in the Q&A session and showed a genuine interest in the topics discussed. This level of participation testifies to the relevance of the content of our event and its ability to capture the attention of our target group.

The event fostered a dynamic atmosphere where knowledge sharing and networking worked well, contributing to its overall effectiveness.